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Table of Contents:


Account information

  • This setting will display the information you have on file with your back office. 
  • Here you can update your login email address.
    • If you change your email address in the app, this will update your email in the back office.


Note: Changing your password in the app will NOT reset your password for the back office.

  • iOS
    • When you select Change, the login window will appear. Select the ‘Forgot your password?’ option to send a password reset email to the email address you have listed in your back office account.
  • Android
    • When you select this setting, the ‘Forgot your password?’ screen will appear. Type in the email address you use to log in and tap ‘send email’.

Store Settings

Business Information

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Business Information.

Here, you can edit your business name, federal tax ID, phone and other information.

  • Your business name (DBA Name) is the name that will be displayed on your Online Store, invoices, receipts and your customers’ credit card statements.
  • Any changes made to Business Name (DBA Name), Business Legal Name, EIN and phone numbers will be sent to Propay to update the information you have on file for your merchant account.

Address Information

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Address Information.

Here, you can edit addresses used by your business.

Business Address 

Note: If you update your business address in the app, this WILL update the SHIPPING address in your back office.

Home Address

This is the address needed for your ProPay Merchant Account and should only be updated if your legal address changes.

Mailing Address

By default, tax documents, ProPay cards and card readers (if purchased) will be sent to your home address. If you would like to set up a custom mailing address, such as a P.O. Box, that is different from your home or business addresses, enable the ‘Use Custom Mailing Address’ option.

Note: This address is only for ProPay and will not be visible to customers.

Policies & Receipt Signature

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Policies & Receipt Signature.

Here, you can edit your: 

  • Shipping Policy
  • Return Policy
  • Receipt Signature

Inventory Settings

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Inventory Settings.

Here, you can set your default product visibility for your Online Store. This setting applies to all new inventory items that are added to your app through wholesale receiving and/or inventory upload.

  • Toggling this ON will make your inventory AUTOMATICALLY VISIBLE on your Online Store upon receiving and/or uploading.
  • Keeping this toggled OFF will keep your inventory HIDDEN from your Online Store until you decide to make an item visible by clicking the eye icon under the product details on the Inventory screen in the app.

Note: You can override these default settings when receiving items on an individual wholesale order OR in the ‘Add Product’ screen that appears when scanning or entering individual items to your inventory in the app.

Invoice Settings

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Invoice Settings.

Here, you can:

  • Set the number of days your customers have to pay an invoice.
  • Schedule all invoice due dates for the same day each week.
  • Set up automatic reminder emails.

App defaults:

  • Until you choose your own invoice settings:
    • The due date for all invoices is set at 30 days from the day the invoice is created.
    • Invoices are due by 11:59 PM in your store’s time zone. (See below for time zone settings)

Note: You can always override your due date settings within an individual order. To do this, open or create an order, tap ‘review’, then ‘invoice’, then edit the due date.

Store Time Zone

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Store Time Zone

Here, you can:

  • Select our store time zone so that invoice due dates always expire at the same time for your store, regardless of what time zone you are selling in.

Consultant Cost Reimbursement

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Consultant Cost Reimbursement.

Here, you can:

  • Choose the default setting for Consultant Cost Reimbursement for all new orders/invoices made in-app and Shopping Carts via your Online Store.
    • You will still have the option to manually enable/disable Consultant Cost Reimbursement on all new orders created in the app.

Shipping & Pick Up

(iOS): Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Shipping.

(Android): Open the main menu > Settings > Your Online Web Store > Shipping.

Here, you can:

  • Set your Free Shipping over Amount
    • When you toggle this ON, you will have the option to enter the Minimum Order Total you would like to set for your customer to earn free shipping.
  • Set your shipping costs based on the total weight.
    • This is used for orders that do not qualify for free shipping.
  • Shipping Cost Presets
  • Enable or Disable Order Pick Up
    • Note: This option is only available for online store purchases (not invoices) and if enabled, customers can select this option at check out.

Ship Order Default

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Ship Order Default

Here, you can:

  • Set Shipping ON or OFF by default.
    • This default will be automatically applied to all new orders within in the app. You will still have the ability to change this when creating or editing an individual order. 

Note: This setting will not affect your Online Store.

💡 Tip: Enabling this default will automatically apply shipping to your orders, saving you time by eliminating the need to edit the shipping selection if you overlook it initially. You can still turn shipping on or off when creating or editing an individual order, regardless of this setting.

💡Tip: You might want to turn OFF default shipping for in-person sales events, ship-free weekend, etc.

Customer Rewards

Open the main menu > Settings > Store Settings > Customer Rewards

  • Here you can activate customer rewards. (By default, customer rewards are turned off).
  • Set the reward threshold required to earn rewards. (If your Direct Sales company has a standard rewards program, this threshold may be defined by corporate.)

Your Online Store

My Story Page

Open the main menu > Settings > Your Online Store > My Story Page

  • Clicking on this option will display your ‘My Story’ and photo.

Note: Any edits you wish to make to the information displayed will need to be made in your back office.

Social Media Links

Open the main menu > Settings > Your Online Store > Social Media Links

Clicking this option will display all of the links you have on file in your back office.

Note: Any edits you wish to make to the information displayed will need to be made in your back office.

Cart Timer

Open the main menu > Settings > Your Online Store > Cart Timer

Here, you can:

  • Set a custom Online Store Cart timer anywhere from 15 minutes to 7 days.
    • The spinner lets you adjust days, hours, and 15-minute increments.
    • By default, your cart timer is set to 7 days until you make your customization.

Toggle ON or OFF your Online Store

Note: Your Online Store URL is also listed under this section; you have the ability to copy this URL and share with your customers wherever you’d like!

Payment Processing & Banking

Bank Accounts

Open the main menu > Settings > Payment Processing & Banking > Bank Accounts.

Here, you can:

  • Update Checking Account
    • This is the checking account associated with your merchant account that you may transfer funds to and from. 
  • Update Instant Funding Account
    • This is the debit card (non-Propay Prepaid Card) associated with your merchant account to which you can instantly transfer funds (same-day funding).

ProPay Card

Open the main menu > Settings > Payment Processing & Banking > ProPay Card.

Here, you can:

  • View your card information
  • Request a card
  • Activate your card
  • Report your card lost or stolen
  • Update your card pin
  • Reissue a card

Purchase a Card Reader

Open the main menu > Settings > Payment Processing & Banking > Purchase a Card Reader.

Clear Previous Card Reader

Open the main menu > Settings > Payment Processing & Banking > Clear Previous Card Reader.

This function clears the card reader’s known connections from Wayroo and allows it to properly reconnect the next time a transaction is attempted. Typically only used when a user is experiencing issues with connection and payment processing attempts.

Upload Documents

Open the main menu > Settings > Payment Processing & Banking > Upload Documents.

  • Here, you can:
    • Upload documentation to support a transaction, verify your identity, or increase your limits.

Note: Please only upload documents here if you are requested via email by customer support.

ProPay Terms and Conditions

Here you can view the entire ProPay Terms & Conditions document.


Reply to Buy™

  • This is where you can connect your app to your Facebook account and get set up for Reply to Buy™, the feature that allows you to create and host live events via Facebook and convert comments into sales with online checkout!
  • This is also where you decide what you want your Claim Keyword to be!
    • Your Claim Keyword is the keyword that your customers must use to claim an item that they want to purchase from your live event. This keyword is paired with the Claim Code, which is assigned on the Inventory screen. (Visit the Reply to Buy™ article to learn more!)


This option allows you to sign up and create a ShippingEasy account directly in the app OR connect an existing ShippingEasy account to your app!